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  • Business risks in LatviaDatum13.01.2025 14:17
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    The main business risks entrepreneurs face in Latvia are related to resource centralization, demographic problems and corruption. Neither of these are of major concern, but can possess a significant degree of risk if combined with other disadvantageous circumstances, potentially even ending with insolvency. A for minor risks, there are some concerns about logistics-related crime and petty crime in certain areas.

    Major risks
    There are three major business risks in Latvia, that can affect companies in any part of the country:

    resource centralization
    demographic problems
    Individually, they do not possess much threat, especially to well-established foreign companies. These risks are minimal to foreign businesses incorporated in Riga (the capital of Latvia), save for some instances of corruption. However, the farther away from the capital, the more apparent the risks become, which is somewhat compensated if the geography of the business includes cities of regional importance.

    Resource centralization
    Almost one third of businesses registered in Latvia are headquartered and mainly operate in Riga. Although this makes competition in farther areas somewhat less, this also means that most of the resources, finances, workforce and customers, are also concentrated in Riga. Additionally, most of the higher education institutions are also located in the capital, which means that the majority of students - skilled young specialists - are not available in other regions, or must be encouraged by additional benefits to move to these other regions.

    Even if a foreign business itself is also registered, has its headquarters and mainly operates in Riga, the centralisation may provide challenges for expansion. Sometimes it will not be viable to open branch offices in other regions of Latvia due to the aforementioned limitations. In this case, the only way to expand is to provide services and products remotely/digitally or specialize in services that do not require physical interaction. One more possibility is to establish a country-wide logistics network that would deliver products and services. Thanks to Latvia's small size, it is not the most difficult task, but still requires time, investments, workforce, planning and other resources, which can limit other business development aspects.

    Demographic problems
    As of now (2016) the demographic problems of Latvia are not that significant, but still noticeable. According to the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (Latvijas Centrālā statistikas pārvalde), the population of Latvia started shrinking in 1991, and as years went by the decrease rate became smaller up until the financial crisis of 2008, when, for a brief moment, the rate increased again. Now, the rate is decreasing yet again: each year starting from 2010, when the country began revitalizing its economy, Latvia loses by about 5% - 10% less than each previous year.

    Despite that, the decrease is still there and it most noticeable among young people, specialists with higher education prefer seeking a job overseas. At this rate, the decrease will balance itself out in approximately 10 years. Until then, the outflow of potential workforce and customer will hinder the operations of any company, especially in the long term.

    Corruption in Latvia is mainly related to the need to maintain good personal contacts with business partners and participate in extra-business activities, without which reaching an agreement may be problematic in some cases. This is especially vital in the initial stages of market entry. It is very important to establish a good relationship with the first contact amongst the local businessmen and organize meetings with local suppliers. Otherwise establishing oneself in Latvia may become problematic.

    Minor risks
    Latvia is a contact point with many countries that are not member-states of the EU, that is - a gateway to the European Union. This encourages smuggling, as some people see it as an opportunity to bring cheaper prices from Russia and Belarus to then sell them in the rest of the EU at prices higher than in the country of origin but lower than in Latvia or other member-states. This, however, is a minor risk to competition, as border control in Latvia is quite strict, and such a smuggling is not a serious threat to any kind of business, a nuisance at best.

    Petty crime such as thievery and bar frauds are common towards foreigners, whom some locals deem to be easily-fooled. This however, should not affect any business, if only a businessman is not carrying important documents and company's valuables. This why such a petty crime can be considered potentially dangerous if a businessman is negligent, but in practice such a turning of events is very rare.

  • Cyprus offshoreDatum07.07.2024 08:54
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    Cyprus is an island country located in the Eastern Mediterranean. It is best known for its sunny beaches and stunning mountain ranges. Most Cyprus income is made from tourism, export of goods and sale of real estate. The main languages in Cyprus are Greek and Turkish. English is spoken by most residents.

    Company formation
    Company formation usually takes around 5 days
    The minimum share capital of 1000 EUR, and usually authorised capital of 5000 EUR
    In order to maintain a tax residency in Cyprus, a local director of the company is required and board meetings must be held within Cyprus.
    Secretary is required to have or acquire a residence in Cyprus to maintain tax residency in Cyprus
    Information on tax system
    Cyprus corporate tax is 10%, one of the lowest corporate taxes in the European Union.
    The following activities are not taxable in Cyprus:
    Profits from the sale of listed securities.
    Receiving dividends for a Cyprus company.
    Interest not from ordinary activities or not directly related to the key activity of the company.
    Cyprus has a double tax treaty with more than 40 countries.
    For more information on Cyprus tax system or any related issues please contact us.

    Company management
    There is no annual fee payable to the government to maintain a company. Only filing annual returns is required according to the following rules:

    a company registered before 1 July must file the accounts with the tax authority before 31 December of the following year for the preceding year.
    a company registered after 1 July must file the accounts with the tax authority before 31 December two years after, for the preceding years.

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    Acquisition of a residence permit based on investment a Latvian bank is often a superior option for those who are looking to obtain a residence permit while ensuring a stable investment with a guaranteed return, rather than exposing themselves to the possible variable gains sometimes seen when investing in real estate. Statistics show that this type of investment is generally a less common way to obtain a residence permit when compared to purchasing real estate, however, there are several peculiarities of the scheme available in Latvia that makes this option the best solution for some investors.

    Financial investment in a Latvian bank
    In order to apply for a residence permit in Latvia based on financial investment in a bank you need to place with a bank at least EUR 280,000 in the form of subordinated capital and pay a state fee of EUR 25 000 to the government. The subordinated capital is funds that the bank is borrowing from a customer for a term of at least 5 years (Like a Corporate Bond – but where the corporation is a bank). If you choose this option, then you should know that the term of your residence permit will be the same as the term of the subordinated capital (The length of the Bond). The banks usually take all the risks. Also, it's worth noting that the bank pays you interest, like with any other bond, so it can be a good, low risk way to ensure a return on your investment and increase your capital over time at the same time as obtaining your residence permit. The interest rate will be agreed in advance, and therefore this option effectively guarantees the amount of return on your investment, while perhaps not providing the same level of liquidity you see with a real estate purchase - where you have the option to sell at any time.

    During the last year only 208 investors submitted a request for a residence permit based on investment made in Latvian banks. Since 2010 the total amount of investment is estimated to be around 75.7 million euros.

    Choosing between the available options can be difficult and requires a close examination of your needs and circumstances. We can help you choose the most suitable solution to satisfy your needs by providing a consultation and making all necessary calculations. We can also provide full legal support for any other part of the process of getting set up so that your investment and residency is a pleasant and stress free experience.

  • Latvian real estate market review Datum09.02.2024 17:08
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    Real estate in Latvia is immovable property that usually consists of a land plot (possibly including all natural resources, depending on the agreement) and any buildings connected with it. In the case of an appartment it can also refer to a specific part of a building, along with a defined shared interest in the underlying land. In Latvia, if a foreigner purchases real estate and if the deal meets with specific requirements then this kind of investment can entitle the purchaser to apply for a residence permit. (read more)

    Latvian real estate market review
    According to the annual review, provided by the Latvian State Land Service (hereafter the SLS), during the period from the second half of 2011 to the second half of 2012, 49% of the total transaction turnover in real estate originated from deals on flats and commercial buildings, leaving more than half (51%) of all turnover being related to plots of land.

    As the SLS mentioned in it's review, the biggest players in the real estate market in Latvia today are commercial banks and their subsidiaries. The second position (by volume of financial turnover in real estate) is held by the foreign investors, many of whom pursue the goal of receiving a residence permit in Latvia based on the purchase of real estate. The fact that Latvia's credit rating and GDP have increased significantly in recent years, while the rating of other European countries has declined, has played a crucial role in drawing the interest and confidence of foreign investors - especially in the Latvian real estate market. Many studies along with visible trends prove that the amount of money spent on real estate in Latvia will continue to increase for the forseeable future. The speed of growth has been strong but steady, increasing confidence and reducing the risk of any kind of property bubble. According to statistics provided by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, during the last year alone, 2,435 foreigners requested a residence permit based on the purchase of real estate.

    The SLS data shows that the role of the Riga real estate market has always been bigger than the rest of the Latvian market. This trend has increased during the last few years. The amount of real estate deals in Riga is two times higher than in the rest of Latvia, which makes real estate in Riga in pretty high demand.

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    Obtaining a residence permit
    The uniqueness of these changes lies in the introduction of a new method of obtaining a residence permit – investing in real estateLinks to an external site.. It has attracted a large number of investors as a foreigner investing in real estate has the opportunity to move freely within the Schengen area. Citizens of the Russian Federation are particularly interested in using this opportunity, since Latvia is close to it and is a popular tourist destination due to its unique cultural monuments, well-known resorts and international festivals.

    Benefits of holding a temporary residence permit
    Residence in the Republic of Latvia for a maximum period of five years
    Cross borders freely between EU member states and non-EU countries
    Moving and staying up to 90 days within 6 months to other EU countries except UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania
    to obtain a Latvian or EU permanent residence permit after five years
    to obtain a temporary residence permit for the spouse and children
    What is a residence permit?
    A residence permit is a document granting a foreign citizen the right to reside temporarily (a temporary residence permit) or permanently (a permanent residence permit) in the Republic of Latvia. Invest wisely, invest in properties that are expected to increase in value!

    Temporary residence permit
    Issued for up to 5 years
    Must be re-registered every year

  • Immigration to the EU countriesDatum03.06.2023 08:51
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    The EU or the European UnionLinks to an external site. is a political and economic union of several European countries (currently 28 member-states), that includes most of the jusridictions on the continent. The EU has developed in is actively promoting a range of policies aimed towards bringing the member-states together in all respects, as well as making their cooperation easier. These policies include:

    common internal market
    standardised system of laws
    non-restrictive travel area
    common visa policy
    free circulation of goods and services
    free movement of labour
    All these and many other advantages are available to any resident of the EU, including citizens and migrants with residence permits, either temporary or permanent.

    Furthermore, these benefits can also be enjoyed by the family members of these immigrants - the EU has many directives that allow family members to obtain a residence permit more easily, requiring fewer documents and applying simplified procedures.

    The history of migration in the modern European Union begins at the end of World War II and is based on the idea of ​​a united, borderless Europe. However, this idea, or, to put it loosely, an idea of ​​European unification, existed beforehand.

    Before the end of World War II
    The ideas of a united Europe before the 20th century (particularly 1949, when the Council of Europe was founded) were expressed by dynastic unions, empires and country-level unions, which often presented themselves as the "heart of Europe". those who embodied the political essence of the continent. The notable examples of such entities would be the Holy Roman Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

    The painting called Queen Europe is notable because some thinkers have also expressed the idea that Europe is not united under the banner of any particular country, kingdom, etc., but as a sovereign power in its own right. For example, a German cartographer, Sebastian Munster, presented a painting called Europa regina, or Queen Europe, in his 1570 work Cosmographia. In this painting, the countries of Europe are shown as borderless and united into a unit whose borders roughly corresponded to the borders of the continent of Europe.

    1945 to 1993
    After the Second World War brought great devastation to European countries and massive casualties among their inhabitants, the countries involved began to express a more concrete vision of European unity. In the decades that followed, a number of Europe-wide alliances and organizations were formed. These were devoted to different causes, but all were united under a single idea – the idea of ​​creating peaceful ties between European countries that would transcend national interests.

    The most notable of these institutions were:

    European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
    European Atomic Energy Community (EAG)
    European Economic Community (EEC)
    European Council
    European Parliament

  • Mortgage and Land bank of LatviaDatum12.05.2023 17:24
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    The Government of the Republic of Latvia established the state-owned JSC Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia (Hypothekenbank – Hipotēku banka) on March 19, 1993 by Cabinet Decree No. 140. The Mortgage Bank was the only 100% state-owned commercial bank.

    The objectives of the state-owned JSC Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia and its legal status are somewhat similar to those of the two state-owned banks operating in the Republic of Latvia before World War II: Valsts Zemes banka (State-owned Land Bank). and Latvijas Hipotēku banka (Mortgage Bank of Latvia). The main tasks of these two banks were the financing of agrarian reform and the granting of long-term mortgage loans, mainly to finance construction works. Due to its business niche and contribution to the Latvian national economy, the Mortgage Bank is considered the heir and successor to the two Latvian state banks that operated before World War II. The name chosen for the bank – Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka (Mortgage and Real Estate Bank of Latvia) – incorporates the names of both banks mentioned above, reflecting the intention of the founders to continue their traditions.

    The Bank took an active part in the development of the mortgage credit system of Latvia, the establishment and development of the mortgage-backed securities market and the promotion of mortgage-backed securities.

    On December 9, 2013, the shareholder of Hipotēku banka decided to relinquish the bank's credit institution license from January 1, 2014; The Finance and Capital Market Commission approved this on December 19, 2013. Thus, as of January 1, 2014, Hipotēku banka continues its operations as the state-owned joint-stock company Latvijas Attīstības finanšu institūcija Altum (Latvian Development Financial Institution Altum).

    ALTUM currently has 9 branches and 16 development program advisory centers in different regions of Latvia, providing customer services throughout the territory of Latvia.

    ALTUM is a Latvian development finance institution with a specific aim to develop Latvian economy and create added value. ALTUM's primary and sole function is to provide government assistance.

    ALTUM's mission is to work together with its customers to help them realize their ideas and dreams and to increase the well-being of its customers and employees by jointly contributing to the Latvian economy.

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    This area is governed by the Handling of Alcoholic Beverages Law, Cabinet Regulations No. 662 “Procedures for the Circulation of Excisable Goods” and the Law on Excise Duties.
    Sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products requires a special authorization – licence. (The Law on Excise Duties mentions the types of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products requiring a licence.) For example, the retailers of alcoholic beverages selling beer need only a licence for retail sale of beer.
    A licence gives the right to sell alcoholic beverages or tobacco products only at the place indicated therein. A licence may be used only by the person to whom it was issued.

    The Licensing Commission of the State Revenue Service issue licences to merchants registered in the Commercial Register for the following activities:

    wholesale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
    retail sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
    The procedure for obtaining a licence includes following activities:

    documents for obtaining a licence are submitted by an official representative of the merchant whose signatory powers are registered in the Commercial Register or a person authorised by the official representative of the merchant;
    the samples of the application form is available in the Appendix No. 7 and No. 8 of the Cabinet Regulations No. 622 “Procedures for the Circulation of Excisable Goods”;
    in the application for obtaining a licence, the preferable means of receiving the permit (in paper or electronic form) should be specified (in compliance with the legal provisions on circulation of electronic documents);
    a licence shall be issued for an indefinite period of time;
    if a merchant additionally applies for retail sale of alcoholic beverages and beer in a booth, then the retail sale shall be allowed for a period of time specified by the binding regulations of the local government;
    the application must be submitted with the following documents:
    documents confirming the right to use the business premises;
    explanation of the process of economic transactions and the financial security in case if the application is submitted to obtain a wholesale licence;
    confirmation by the merchant that the local government has agreed on retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the booth, if the application is submitted to obtain a licence for this exact purpose;
    the administrative commission considers applications and issues authorizations or makes a reasoned decision to refuse issuance of a licence;
    the licence becomes valid on the next day after the decision is made;
    the licence can be used only by the merchant to whom it was issued. The merchant is not entitled to transfer the licence to another person;
    in case of refusal, the application can be re-submitted.
    A licence may not be issued in the following cases:

    the relevant licence of the merchant has been revoked or the record of the place designated for the sale of alcohol beverages or tobacco products has been deleted during one year before submitting the application due to violations of legal provisions related to circulation of excise goods;
    a merchant has carried out commercial activities involving excise goods without a relevant licence;
    the merchant or an official of the merchant's administrative body has not paid the fine imposed due to violation of legal provisions related to circulation of excise goods;
    the application or accompanying documents contain false information, or accompanying documents are forged;
    the merchant has been avoiding taxes during three years before submitting the application;
    the merchant's administrative body includes individuals who during three years before submitting an application have been members of the administrative body of the merchant that has avoided tax payments;
    the merchant has excise duty debt, except for the cases when the deadlines are extended in accordance with the tax laws and regulations, and payments are made in due time;
    not all of the information or documents to be accompanying the application are submitted upon request by the Licensing Commission;
    operations involving excise goods are conducted in places where such activities are prohibited according to the legal provisions governing the circulation of excise goods;
    state fees referred to in the laws and regulations have not been paid.

  • Escrow account in LatviaDatum07.04.2023 17:08
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    Escrow account – is an arrangement made under contractual provisions between transacting parties, whereby an independent trusted third party (usually a bank) receives and disburses money or documents for the transacting parties, with the timing of such disbursement by the third party dependent on the fulfilment of contractually-agreed conditions by the transacting parties. It is commonly used to support sale/purchase transactions, such as the purchase of a real estate, reducing the risk between the parties to the minimum, and providing a mechanism which ensures trust and confidence.

    The buyer, the seller and the bank sign an agreement, whereby they agree on necessary documents, terms and other conditions as required to complete the deal, along with any critical milestones along the way. An escrow agent – the bank, acts as an impartial holder of the money or documents, and in this way keeps the risk of such things as fraud to a minimum for both parties.

    Although escrow accounts are generally used during a real estate transaction, in practice, it can be used in any transaction where there is a desire to reduce the risks to all parties, for example:

    Purchase of a second hand car, where the money may be released at the end of a warranty period.
    Deposits for a property rental, where the money is released after the tenant moves out according to the condition of the property.
    Provision of construction services, where all or part of the money may be released when the building work is complete to a defined standard, or when defined stages (milestones) of the work are complete.
    How does an escrow account work?
    The bank creates an escrow account, and the buyer/client transfers the agreed purchase price or payment amount;
    Once the seller/contractor has the required documents or has completed relevent requirements – he submits documents or evidence to the bank;
    The bank informs the buyer/client, that the seller has submitted the documents/evidence;
    If the documents/evidence meet the requirements as provided for by the agreement, and the buyer/client accepts them – and the bank finalizes the transaction: transfering the money to the seller/contractor and handomg out the original documents to the purchaser/client. The transaction is then closed.

  • State Enterprise Centre of Registers Datum05.03.2023 10:57
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    The registration of Lithuanian companies is carried out by the State Business Register Center. The Register Center was established on July 8, 1997 by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania with state funds.

    The main function of the registry center is the administration of the following three main state registers:

    Real estate cadastre and register
    Register of legal persons
    Directory of addresses
    The registry center took over responsibility for the registration of local government legal entities in 2004; however, company data has been collected from the register since 1990.

    Indeed, the Register Center in the Lithuanian Public Sector is considered an excellent example of the establishment and development of a system of register databases.

    The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia believes that the most suitable type of company for the administration, maintenance and development of registers is precisely a state-owned company that can make a profit as it offers more opportunities to improve the efficiency of the registration process. In contrast to the institutions financed from the state budget, a state-owned company also has the option of recruiting appropriate IT specialists and ensuring the development of IT.

    Register of legal persons
    The register contains complete information and historical data on the form and status of legal persons, their areas of activity, their size and information on representatives, members, governing bodies and obtained licenses, etc. of legal persons. Since 2004, most companies have been required to submit annual financial reports to the register. Likewise, limited liability companies have been obliged since 2010 to declare a list of shareholders by submitting this information to the registry center.

    The Register of Legal Entities applies in practice the principles of transparency and publicity, because the information on legal entities: enterprises, institutions and non-governmental organisations is public.

    Statements from the Register of Legal Entities, annual reports, lists of shareholders or any other documents, such as minutes of Board meetings, are kept in the archives of the Centre of Registers, and they are available to all interested persons. This is a paid service.

    Electronic registration
    In 2010, the Centre or Registers launched the electronic registration of legal entities online. Taking into account that no documents are submitted in written form when using this service, a safe electronic signature is necessary. So far, online registration of legal entities has been available only to the citizens of Lithuania, but the Centre of Registers is actively working on ensuring equal possibilities for foreign investors to use this service. Therefore, the e-Guide for establishment of enterprises is introduced in Lithuania to provide foreign customers with the required assistance by offering the information on how to carry out procedures of establishment and registration.

    Types of entities
    The Centre of Registers offers to register various forms of legal entities. For example:

    a public limited liability company
    a private limited liability company;
    a cooperative enterprise
    an individual enterprise
    a state enterprise
    a budget institution
    an association
    a traditional religious association
    a trade union
    an agricultural company
    a co-operative society
    a credit union
    a municipal enterprise
    a public institution
    a charity and benefits foundation
    a political party
    other religious associations and societies
    a branch or representative office of a foreign company
    Certification services
    The Centre of Registers is one of the three providers of certification services in Lithuania. The information trader of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia, Lursoft, in cooperation with the Centre of Registers of Lithuania ensures the access to the Lithuania's business database. The business database of Lithuania is integrated with the system of Lursoft, and the inquiries are processed online, thus ensuring that the database is updated at the moment of checking.

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    Baltic Legal provides useful advice and quality legal support for obtaining temporary residence permits in Latvia and Lithuania through investments. It is possible to obtain a residence permit for up to 5 years in Latvia and for up to 1 year in Lithuania, which can be renewed at the end of this period. Obtaining a residence permit in a member state of the Shengen Agreement grants its holder the opportunity to travel visa-free within the Shengen area under the same conditions as for citizens of said member state. Latvia and Lithuania are current member states of the Schengen Agreement. Along with the main investor, the residence permit can also be obtained by his spouse and minor children.

    The process of obtaining a residence permit is relatively complicated and requires knowledge of local legal and procedural issues. Our lawyers provide the necessary advice to choose the best type of investment and take care of preparing all the necessary documents and obtaining the residence permit.

    Latvian Immigration Law provides several ways for foreign investor to obtain a residence permit in Latvia.
    The most usual options are:

    Residence permit by investment in real estate, for example, purchase of apartment. Read more
    Residence permit for company manager, for example, Manager Director, Chief Executive, Board Member, Proxy
    Residence permit through investment in share capital in the status of shareholder, for example, company formation and registration or acceding to existing company with significant investment
    Residence permit through investments in subordinated capital of credit institution
    Other options (non-investment related):
    Student visa: Latvian Immigration Law also provides residency for students. Residence permit for students.
    EU Blue card: If you are highly qualified you can apply for Blue Card.
    Lithuanian Immigration Law provides ability to apply for residence permit up to 1 year through investments in business. In order to obtain temporal residence permit in Lithuania, the investment must fulfil following conditions:

    a company has at least EUR 28 000 share capital;
    a company has genuine economical activities and pays minimum taxes;
    the presence of investor is necessary for business activities of a company.

  • Human resources in Latvia Datum18.11.2022 15:12
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    As in any country, Latvia's human resources are defined by its population. The total population of Latvia is approximately 1 986 000 people. Of them, the working-age population, ie people aged 15-64, accounts for about 64% - 1 271 040 people. About 14% are children under the age of 15 – 278 040 people. The rest of them, 22%, are retired or pensioners - 436 920.

    The unemployment rate in Latvia is around 9.5% (2016). This means that out of 1,271,040 people, 90.5% are working - 1,150,291 people. These are the same people who could be considered the consumers with the greatest purchasing potential. 120 749 people (this 9.5% of the unemployed) are potential workers or workers. The under-15s are potential workers (looking ahead) but unlikely consumers. In Latvia, state pensions are not high, making pensioners more likely to be potential customers and an unlikely labor force.

    The official language of Latvia is Latvian, so all official documents (e.g. when founding a company) must be submitted in Latvian. Most contracts are also signed in Latvian, although certified translations are often available when dealing with foreign clients or partners. Latvian is also a primary language for transactions and marketing.

    Another important language is Russian, due to the historical connections between Latvia and Russia. Although it is not recognized as a minority language and is not used officially (e.g. on most price tags), it is recommended to use Russian as an adjunct to Latvian advertising, as the Russian-speaking population accounts for about 39% of the total population - a significant number of Customers.

    Public holidays
    Latvia has 14 public holidays, two of which always fall on Sundays and are not deducted from the working week. This number of public holidays is roughly in line with the European average, and due to the common culture they are also mostly the same: Christmas Eve, Midsummer, Easter, etc. As in other European countries, Latvian customers tend to make a lot of purchases before the public holidays, especially before more traditional public holidays like the midsummer festival.

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    Official Name: Republic of Poland
    Capital: Warsaw
    Total area: 312 679 km2
    GDP per capita: $21,000
    Native Language: Polish
    Government: Parliamentary republic
    Population: 38,186,860
    Major Religion: Roman Catholicism
    Monetary Unit: Złoty (PLN)

    The north of Poland, stretching to the Baltic Sea, consists almost entirely of lowlands, while the Carpathian Mountains (including the High Tatras) form the southern border. Masuria is the largest and most visited lake district in Poland.

    The Polish state is over 1,000 years old. Poland was one of the most powerful countries in Europe in the 16th century. With the victory in the Battle of Vienna in 1683, King Jan III. Sobieski of Poland break the Ottoman siege of Vienna and end the threat of possible occupation of Western Europe.

    Poland is rich in natural mineral resources, including iron, zinc, copper and rock salt. Built in the 13th century, the Wieliczka Salt Mine houses an entire underground city with a sanatorium, theater, church and café! Everything from stairs to chandeliers is made of salt.

    Poland's current constitution dates from 1997. The president is elected by popular vote for a five-year term. The 460 members of the House of Commons (Sejm) and the 100 members of the Senate are directly elected for four-year terms using a proportional representation system.

    Traditional Polish dishes include beetroot soup, cabbage rolls (cabbage leaves stuffed with meat and rice) and pierogi (e.g. dumplings stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms).

    Famous Poles include astronomer Copernicus, composer Chopin, scientist Maria Curie-Sklodowska, filmmakers Roman Polanski and Krzysztof Kieslowski, and the late Pope John Paul II.

    Health & Wellbeing
    Benefits are pensions, disability payments, child benefits, survivor benefits, maternity benefits, funeral grants, sick pay and child support payments.

    Economy & Jobs
    Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining and manufacturing.

    Main attraction
    Warsaw, the Great Masurian Lakes, the city of Kraków and the Tatra Alps chain.

    Poland's high-income economy is considered one of the healthiest of the post-communist countries and is currently one of the fastest growing in the EU. With a strong domestic market, low private debt, a flexible currency and independence from a single export sector, Poland is the only European economy to have avoided the late 2000s recession. Since the fall of the communist government, Poland has consistently pursued a policy of economic liberalization and is today considered a successful example of the transition from a centralized planned economy to a primarily market-oriented economy. In 2009 Poland had the highest GDP growth in the EU. Since February 2012, the Polish economy has not entered a recession in the wake of the global financial crisis.

  • LatviaDatum22.10.2022 20:36
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    Official Name: Republic of Latvia
    Capital: Riga
    Total area: 65 000 km2
    GDP per capita: $18,100
    Native Language: Latvian
    Government: Parliamentary Democracy
    Population: 1,911,108
    Major Religion: Evangelical Lutheranism
    Monetary Unit: Euro (EUR)

    Latvia regained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Located on the Baltic coast, Latvia is a flat country with large forests that provide timber for the construction and paper industries. The surrounding area is rich in wildlife. Latvia also produces consumer goods, textiles and machine tools. The country attracts tourists from all over Europe.

    Ethnically, the population is 59% Latvian and 29% Russian, and more than a third live in the capital, Riga. Riga was founded in 1201 and is the largest city in the three Baltic States with 730,000 inhabitants. At 43 meters, the Statue of Liberty is one of the tallest monuments in Europe.

    Latvia's 100-seat unicameral parliament, the Saeima, is elected every four years by direct popular vote. The President is also elected by Parliament every four years.

    The best-known Latvians include the expressionist painter Mark Rothko and the contemporary composer Peteris Vasks.

    Characteristic specialties of Latvian cuisine are speķapīrādziņi (bacon pies) and a refreshing, cold sour cream soup.

    Health & Wellbeing
    Social security and benefit programs are being developed, including free provider choice, free medicines and prescriptions, and inclusive health insurance for all citizens.

    Economy & Jobs
    Service, tourism, shipping, trade and agriculture.

    Main attraction
    Riga, Bauska Castle, the cities of Jurmala, the historical town of Kuldiga and the medieval castles of Sigulda.

    Latvian citizenship can be obtained in a number of ways. The most common are lineage, birth, marriage, award renewal, and business. Tourist, student and work visas are also available as immigration is provided through real estate.

    Latvia is a small, open economy, with exports accounting for almost a third of GDP. Because of its geographic location, transit services are highly developed, along with timber and wood processing, agriculture and food products, and manufacturing of machinery and electronics industries. Corruption remains a barrier to attracting foreign direct investment, and Latvia's low birth rate and declining population pose major challenges to its long-term economic vitality. Latvia's economy posted GDP growth of more than 10% per year in 2006/07, but slipped into a severe recession in 2008 due to an unsustainable current account deficit and high levels of debt amid the flagging global economy. Triggered by the collapse of the second largest bank, GDP collapsed by 18% in 2009. The economy has not returned to pre-crisis levels, despite strong growth, particularly in the export sector in 2011-12. The IMF, the EU and other international donors provided significant financial support to Latvia under an agreement to defend the currency's peg to the euro in exchange for the government's commitment to tough austerity measures.

  • Latvian banking crisisDatum22.10.2022 20:33
    Thema von BalticLegal im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    The 2008 Latvian financial crisis, which emerged from the 2008-2009 global financial crisis, was a major economic and political crisis in Latvia.

    Latvia is the Eastern European country hardest hit by the global financial crisis; it lost about 25 percent of its GDP from 2008 to 2010. It was also the most overheated pre-crisis economy. But in the second half of 2010 Latvia returned to economic growth.

    Latvia has a population of 2 million and its annual GDP is 23 billion euros ($30 billion). But the troubles this Baltic country has been experiencing since 2008, when it kept the lat, its official currency, pegged to the euro while fiercely tightening fiscal policy has sparked a major row among most critics.

    Latvia was the subject of intense attention during the financial crisis due to the economic policies it put in place to get its economy back on track. By maintaining its currency peg, adjusting through internal devaluation and frontloading austerity measures, this nation of 2 million people is now, 5 years later, back on a strong economic footing, although getting there may have been quite painful.

    As elsewhere, Latvian politicians reacted too late to the boom; had good relationships with parent banks; avoided a large production drop thanks to deviations from strict currency board rules; had rapid productivity gains; and for policy purposes output growth may be as important or more important than its level.

  • Thema von BalticLegal im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Official Name: Republic of Latvia
    Capital: Riga
    Total area: 65 000 km2
    GDP per capita: $18,100
    Native Language: Latvian
    Government: Parliamentary Democracy
    Population: 1,911,108
    Major Religion: Evangelical Lutheranism
    Monetary Unit: Euro (EUR)

    Latvia regained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Located on the Baltic coast, Latvia is a flat country with large forests that provide timber for the construction and paper industries. The surrounding area is rich in wildlife. Latvia also produces consumer goods, textiles and machine tools. The country attracts tourists from all over Europe.

    Ethnically, the population is 59% Latvian and 29% Russian, and more than a third live in the capital, Riga. Riga was founded in 1201 and is the largest city in the three Baltic States with 730,000 inhabitants. At 43 meters, the Statue of Liberty is one of the tallest monuments in Europe.

    Latvia's 100-seat unicameral parliament, the Saeima, is elected every four years by direct popular vote. The President is also elected by Parliament every four years.

    The best-known Latvians include the expressionist painter Mark Rothko and the contemporary composer Peteris Vasks.

    Characteristic specialties of Latvian cuisine are speķapīrādziņi (bacon pies) and a refreshing, cold sour cream soup.

    Health & Wellbeing
    Social security and benefit programs are being developed, including free provider choice, free medicines and prescriptions, and inclusive health insurance for all citizens.

    Economy & Jobs
    Service, tourism, shipping, trade and agriculture.

    main attraction
    Riga, Bauska Castle, the cities of Jurmala, the historical town of Kuldiga and the medieval castles of Sigulda.

    Latvian citizenship can be obtained in a number of ways. The most common are lineage, birth, marriage, award renewal, and business. Tourist, student and work visas are also available as immigration is provided through real estate.

    Latvia is a small, open economy, with exports accounting for almost a third of GDP. Because of its geographic location, transit services are highly developed, along with timber and wood processing, agriculture and food products, and manufacturing of machinery and electronics industries. Corruption remains a barrier to attracting foreign direct investment, and Latvia's low birth rate and declining population pose major challenges to its long-term economic vitality. Latvia's economy posted GDP growth of more than 10% per year in 2006/07, but slipped into a severe recession in 2008 due to an unsustainable current account deficit and high levels of debt amid the flagging global economy. Triggered by the collapse of the second largest bank, GDP collapsed by 18% in 2009. The economy has not returned to pre-crisis levels, despite strong growth, particularly in the export sector in 2011-12. The IMF, the EU and other international donors provided significant financial support to Latvia under an agreement to defend the currency's peg to the euro in exchange for the government's commitment to tough austerity measures.

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